What steps can you take to resolve a dispute between you and the tenants?

When it comes to owning an investment property, it is inevitable that at some point, things will go wrong, and disputes may arise between you and the tenants.

A qualified and efficient property manager will be well-trained in conflict management and dispute resolution and will largely be able to resolve any disputes on your behalf. For large conflicts that may occur, they will know which avenues need to be taken to achieve a resolution through the tribunal.

Disputes can occur from a range of scenarios relating to maintenance, rent increases, property condition and one of the more common areas, vacate inspections and bond disputes.

Set expectations from the beginning
Like the start of any relationship, it is important to set expectations in the beginning and avoid potential conflict down the track.

Many disputes can occur due to miscommunication and a lack of understanding of the expectations, and this is where it is beneficial to provide information to the tenants at the beginning of a tenancy on the expectations around rent payments, maintenance and repairs, property upkeep and inspections and the vacate.

Find a resolution
Our property management team provide guidelines and thorough information to tenants at the start, throughout and at the end of their tenancy and will address any issues as soon as they arise.

They will communicate with you throughout the dispute to discuss the ramifications of inaction, and compliance with the legislation of both parties and make suggestions that may find an amicable resolution.

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